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Corrective actions: an overview

Compliance Checkpoint includes functions to add, modify and manage details of all corrective actions or infringements encountered during the audit process. Further cloud based functions are available to Compliance Checkpoint Cloud users.

Corrective Actions can be managed  via the Audit Questionnaire in two ways:

  • You can filter the questions to show only those where there are corrective actions, and access them from individual questions.
  • You can touch the More icon > Corrective Actions  to see all Corrective Actions created for that audit. Next, tap any Corrective Action record to open it for editing.

Each Corrective Action record contains key functions enabling the comprehensive recording of compliance issues or non-conformances for any question in the audit. Functions are organised into tabs displayed at the top:



This is where you record the issue and its resolution (though the latter would be recorded later), including:

  • Date reported
  • Incident Date
  • Date agreed for resolution
  • The Severity type for the issue (Critical, Major, Minor, etc.)
  • Short and long description of the issue (the system automatically inserts the question ref when creating the CAR, as these are mandatory fields)
  • Evidence you wish to record
  • Short term remedial action recommended or taken
  • Long term Corrective Action implemented
  • Corrective Action Status

 The system also:

  •  Inserts any text entered as an Observation as the Description (modify as needed)
  • Inserts any text entered as a Comment as the Remedial Action (modify as needed)
  • Inserts any text entered as Notes as Evidence (modify as needed)

Person Responsible

Tap an icon to add one or more persons at the site or entity, to be assigned responsibility to resolve the issue.

New  : Create a new contact.

Address Book : Add a contact from your device address book.

Checkpoint Contact  : Add a contact from your Compliance Checkpoint account.


Choose one or more Categories as appropriate, or tap the plus icon  to add a Category of your own.


This is where you can upload images, voice recordings or documents to support your assertion of non-compliance (or problem resolution). Tap an icon to attach evidence.

Camera : Capture a snapshot and attach.

Image  : Browse the image library and attach.

Audio   Record an audio and attach.


This function enables the auditor to capture a signature from the auditee as confirmation of notification of the non-conformance.

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