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How do I modify a questionnaire?

Sign in to your cloud dashboard with your email and password, and you will see your Questionnaire Library.

On the My Library tab you will see a list of questionnaires.  In the right hand column there are 5 buttons for each questionnaire: Preview, Share, Copy, Edit and Delete.

To modify a questionnaire, hit the relevant Edit button. You will see a list of Sections.

 If you want to modify the questionnaire name, description, scope or category, click the Edit Questionnaire button above the list of Sections.

If you want to modify a Section, click the Edit button in the right hand column.

If you want to modify a question, first click the Section name, or the circle displaying the number of questions in the Section.  This will open a list of questions. Click the Edit button in the right hand column of the question.

If you want to modify a Response, click the Edit button in the right hand column of the list of responses.

Click Save to save your changes.

Important Note:  Questionnaire Status

Each questionnaire can be set to active or inactive.  If Inactive, you cannot use the questionnaire to create audits, and it will not appear in your list of available questionnaires when using your app on a tablet. This is also a way to hide (from the app) previous versions of questionnaires or those you have retired, or those you are working on.

You can only modify a questionnaire if it is Inactive. If you change a questionnaire status to Inactive, the system (assuming you want to modify it) will prompt you to make a copy.

If you click Edit for a questionnaire that is Active, the system will automatically change the status to Inactive, and it will prompt you to make a copy. If you do make a copy, you can rename it appropriately.  It is a good idea to make a copy as a backup, particularly if the original questionnaire is long or complex.



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